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Summer Safety: Fireworks

Writer's picture: Mary Ellen HobbsMary Ellen Hobbs

The fourth of July is one of the most dangerous days of the year for our pets. More animals go missing on the fourth of July than any other day of the year. Fear and stress induced by fireworks can trigger an animal’s natural flight response and cause them to panic and run away.

Summer Safety: Fireworks | Pet Waggin' Pet Care

There are several precautions you can take to help ensure the safety of your pets this year:

1. Exercise

Take your dog dog for a run or a long walk or give them an extra long round of fetch. Make some time to play with your feline friends as well. Helping your pet to expend plenty of energy before the fireworks begin can help them to manage their anxiety better. 

2. Prepare Your Home

Make sure your home is ready before you leave to watch a fireworks show. Make sure all doors and windows are closed and securely locked and cannot be accidentally left open by members of the household or guests and that your pets cannot open them either. Draw the curtains, shades, and blinds to help muffle the sounds of the fireworks and prevent your pet from seeing the flashes which can also be alarming. Provide your pet with a safe space like a bed or a crate where they can hide and feel safe and sheltered. Try leaving the television or a radio on to create some white noise. Consider leaving a fan or air conditioner on--keeping your pets comfortably cool can help reduce their anxiety and the white noise can help drown out the sounds of fireworks. 

3. Stay Calm

When we notice that our pets are stressed out or scared, it can be tempting to join them in that emotional space and become stressed as well. However, animals are very attuned to our emotional state and energy level. When we appear stressed to our pets, it confirms to them that there is some danger to worry about. By managing your own emotions and staying calm, you communicate to your pet that there is nothing to worry about and that they will be safe. 

4. Be Smart

It can seem like fun to load up our dogs and head to the beach to watch the fireworks, but it is never a good idea to bring a dog to a fireworks show, especially if you don’t know how he will react. 

5. Prepare for the Worst

As much as we don’t want to have to think about our pets running away, it is best to be prepared for the possibility of that. Make sure your pets are wearing collars with legible, up to date tags, and if possible, have them microchipped as well. 

This fourth of July, help protect your pet by preparing for the stress they will experience during the fireworks and do your best to give them a safe, calm environment.

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